Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Visiting the Picasso Abu Dhabi Exhibit

I have now gone twice to see this exhibit, and I am tentatively planning a third tomorrow evening. Just as I had never really noticed Marc Chagall before that tiny print exhibit at the Kohl’s Museum, I had never really looked at Picasso before.

There is the famous large “Picasso” sculpture in the Daley Plaza in Chicago.  I’ve heard about “Guernica.” Cubism etc. But even as I planned to visit this exhibit with friends, I thought to myself that I’m really not that taken by Pablo Picasso.

Well, now, clearly I am!

From the first visit last Friday, August 29th, came my first poem in about 20 years!  “La Lecture de la Lettra.”

With the wonders of Google, the internet, and my own growing knowledge and skills with Microsoft Office, I superimposed my poem on a cropped, downloaded image of this painting.

I see this poem as the first in a series, which I hope to get published somewhere. It’s too late for Gulf News, as the exhibit ends tomorrow evening. But what about the Museè Picasso in Paris?  Well, why not!

In my second visit, last night, I concentrated on the 13 of the 183 works that I found most compelling. I took scores of notes, including verbatim ones on Surrealism and Cubism.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Parking Close to Wherever I Need

(image credit)

In the midst of all that I’m doing and is happening to me, here in Dubai, I see that God continues to look out after me and gives me small, endearing messages.

I’ve told others, for example, that about 7 out of 10 times, I will find a parking space close to wherever I need to be.  To wit:
  • Last night, Thursday, at Barracuda: I slowly entered the parking area and drove toward the entrance. At that moment, a car was pulling out – literally next to the entrance!
  • The night before, Wednesday, at Chowking in Satwa: Traffic all around, as usual, especially on the street into Satwa. I work my way through, being watchful an going slowly, and what do I find… a parking space in front of Chowking!
  • One week ago, Saturday, at City Centre: Again, patient, slow driving in the parking area, and lo and behold I find a parking space near the P3 entrance, which is where Carrefour is nearest to. 
The secret is to be patient, go slow, and look for people walking toward their car. These are things that I have control over. But for the most part, I’m lucky. Lucky, in the sense that God surely looks out after me.